Positively Las Vegas


Girls On The Run Las Vegas Spring program registration now open

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Girls on the Run Las Vegas’ (GOTR LV) spring season launches the week of March 1, and girls in grades 3 through 8 can register now.

Spring 2021 will feature a completely virtual eight-week program offered at dozens of participating sites around the Las Vegas valley. For girls who attend a school that does not currently have its own GOTR team, they can visit the GOTR website to find the nearest team with open slots. Teams are kept intentionally small, with a maximum of 12 participants per school.

GOTR participants meet virtually twice a week after school for 60-minute sessions conducted by trained GOTR coaches and participate in a 20-minute workout program, which they complete on their own at home.

Registration includes the evidence-based curriculum provided by Girls on the Run International, a bound journal for weekly check-ins, a program t-shirt, water bottle and entry into the virtual 5K. Following the new format introduced in fall 2020, the end-of-season 5K will culminate with a socially-distanced team 5K with staggered start times for each girl and her running buddy.

Adjustments to the end-of-season 5K will be made based on current health and safety guidelines, if needed.

Each year, more than 600 girls across the Las Vegas valley participate in the GOTR program, which delivers a season-long, experienced-based curriculum designed to develop friendship and strength, as well as emotional and spiritual health, in young girls—all while integrating running.

Spring 2021 registration costs $125 per girl, with discounted pricing based on household income.

Discounted pricing is offered within the registration process. More details about the season, can be found here.

Online registration for girls and running buddies can take place here and ends March 9.

A list of participating schools can be found on their website.