Positively Las Vegas


Free AngelNV bootcamp helps local startups raise capital

and last updated

AngelNV has opened enrollment for its free entrepreneurial fundraising bootcamp.

The program starts Sept. 8 and will teach startup founders how to raise venture capital, culminating with at least one company receiving a $200k investment.

The free AngelNV bootcamp runs September through December and will be held every other week at the International Innovation Center @Vegas downtown with the option to participate in-person or virtually.

Bootcamp participants can apply for AngelNV funding (a one-time $149 application fee is required). Accredited angels who have invested in the AngelNV Conference Fund will award an AngelNV startup with a $200,000 investment to be announced at a special Shark Tank-style event in March 2021.

Business owners interested in the bootcamp and investment must sign up online by Aug. 25 here.

An introductory information session about AngelNV will be held on July 21, with special guest Greg Gibson, CEO and co-founder of Meta Mechanics, who will present “The Art of Storytelling” as a way to inform and inspire investors and customers about a company.

The session will be held in person for 10 attendees and via Zoom.

For more details and to register visit their website.