Positively Las Vegas


De Castroverde Law Group & Findlay Subaru partner for $10K scholarship

school students
and last updated

De Castroverde Law Group is partnering with Findlay Subaru of Las Vegas to announce the 2021 Road to College Academic Scholarship.

Together, the two local businesses have combined their donations to present a local high school senior with a $10,000 scholarship.

Seniors from Southern Nevada high schools are invited to submit an application for the scholarship, which is based in part on a 1,000-word essay on how to inspire people in their community or on sharing one thing about the world they wish would change, in addition to other eligibility requirements.

Applicants must also share in the mission of making the world a better place by being a positive force in the community with actions that set an example for others to follow.

The application period opened April 1 and will remain open through April 30.

The winner will be chosen May 7 and will be notified by phone and email.

For more information, or to submit an application, visit their website.