Positively Las Vegas


City of Henderson launches 'Safe Pools Rule' campaign ahead of summer

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HENDERSON (KTNV) — The City of Henderson has launched its "Safe Pools Rule" campaign ahead of this summer.

Henderson Hospital, the fire department and city officials joined Henderson Professional Fire Fighters to launch it.

The campaign aims to educate the public on pool safety and preventing drownings. Authorities say to remember the three P’s: Patrol, Protect your body of water from kids and Prepare.

"Making sure that your children are confident and safe around water," said Daniel Pentkowski, president of the Henderson Professional Fire Fighters, when asked about ways to stay safe. "The City of Henderson and Parks and Recreation are bringing back swim lessons."

"As an adult, making sure you take CPR classes," he added. "Those are offered for free by the City of Henderson Fire Department. And that four to six minutes that I always reference -- that's our response time from the time 9-1-1 is called for us to get to your door. You can literally save a life."

"So it's 100% a preventable drowning incident for a child. The three P's will make sure that we have a safe summer," Pentkowski said.

According to officials, drowning is the leading cause of preventable and unintentional death for young children in Southern Nevada.