Positively Las Vegas


Chick-fil-A's 'Cookie for a Cause Day' helps Las Vegas charity


Las Vegas-based charity Miracle Flights has partnered with Chick-fil-A to help sick children get life-changing medical care by adding a delicious Chocolate Chunk Cookie to your order at Chick-fil-A.

Today, 100 percent of proceeds from every cookie sold at two participating Chick-fil-A locations here in Las Vegas will go directly to support Miracle Flights.
To date, Miracle Flights Las has provided more than 113,000 free flights to help sick children see doctors and specialists out of state. This is your way to help that number grow.
So head down to the Chick-fil-A at 460 N. Stephanie Street or 2480 S. Rancho Drive before closing to support their Cookie for a Cause Day.