Positively Las Vegas


Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada hosts annual Turkey Drive

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Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada (CCSN) is hosting its 34th annual Turkey Drive and calls for major support from the Las Vegas community now until Nov. 26 in order to adequately serve thousands of families during the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving Day.

This year, Catholic Charities is accepting monetary donations in order to source frozen turkeys and nonperishable dinner fixings such as boxed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, and canned yams that will be distributed through its Hands of Hope Community Food Pantry.

Thanksgiving traditionally serves as a time for volunteerism, however, in the era of COVID-19, in-person volunteer opportunities currently remain on hold. As an alternative, CCSN has outlined ways community members can help those in need from home.

More details can be found by clicking here.

In addition to providing thousands of families with an opportunity to host their own Thanksgiving holiday feast by taking advantage of the food offered at the food pantry, CCSN will also serve its 55th consecutive free Thanksgiving meal to roughly 1,000 homeless and vulnerable men, women and children as well as deliver 2,400 holiday meals to the homebound seniors through its Meals on Wheels program.