LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Simply Pure by chef Stacey Dougan is teaming up with local organizations to feed those in need during the coronavirus pandemic.
Simply Pure is located downtown inside the Container Park and specializes in vegan dishes.
Co-owner and chef Stacey Dougan said business has been fantastic for the past seven years.
Despite Container Park temporarily closing due to the stay at home order, Simply Pure is open for pickup and delivery.
A month before the shutdown, Dougan said they found their saving grace in a food truck.
"We have a food truck that has been amazing; we call it Noah's Ark," Dougan said.
Dougan said for every sale; she's paying it forward by giving back to the valley.
With the help of local organizations, Food Not Bombs and Live to Give, Simply Pure is donating free meals to those in need.
"Every time someone orders meal prep or a meal, then we automatically donate a meal to an individual or family in need," Dougan said.
So far, Simply Pure has donated over 100 meals to those in need.
Simply Pure is located at 707 Fremont Street and visit their website here.
Find Simply Pure's food truck every Saturday and Sunday on the corner of Fremont Street and 9th Street in downtown Las Vegas from noon to 3 p.m.