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STUDY: Millennials believe their lives are more stressful than their parents

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Are you a millennial? Do you believe that life is more stressful for you than it was for your parents?

According to a recent survey of 2,000 millennials, 78% believe that life is more stressful today than for previous generations. Reasons given include debt, a competitive job market and expensive healthcare.

The future of the nation and political were also in the top 5 reasons as to why millennials are stressed out.

Other findings included the discovery that more women (86%) are stressed versus men (73%). And, 56% of millennials are stressed because of technology or media overload

91% of those surveyed said that stress would be a lot less if they made more money.

Despite feeling stressed out multiple times a week, few millennials took time to de-stress.

Financial and career stress is listed as top burnout factors. Burnout is now recognized as a legitimate medical diagnosis.

Click here for the full survey.