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SQUATTER SPOTTERS: Woman says squatter's dog charged at her

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Some squatters and their dogs are striking fear in a valley neighborhood.
One woman says one of the dogs charged at her, and she later got no response from the people living in the house.
"I just want to be able to feel safe in my neighborhood from dogs and people that I have no idea who they are or how they got here," said Georgia Washko.
Washko and other neighbors say five squatters are living in a house on their street near Westcliff and Buffalo.
They say the unwelcome guests have been there two weeks and have had no luck identifying or talking to them.
"This is a neighborhood with children, families," Washko said. "We have dogs. We're afraid."
Washko says earlier this week one of the squatters' dogs charged at her.
She was only saved from an attack when a friend yelled and scared the animal off.
"My heart was pounding," Washko said. "I was upset. I was afraid because that doesn't happen around here."
The house frequently has either one or two cars parked in the driveway.
A neighbor who's worked with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in the past says the car is likely stolen.
Melissa May has spent most of her life in the neighborhood. She grew up in the vacant house now occupied by squatters.
"It's frightening. It's terrifying to have this happening," she said. "We have small children in this neighborhood. It's not ok."
Neighbors say the dogs have gotten loose at least five times and they've seen fights in the middle of the street.
Washko, May and the rest are now asking for somebody in authority to go to the house and ask for a valid lease, rental agreement or deed.