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Accuser comes forward about teacher in trouble

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A month after a teacher at Veteran’s Tribute Career and Technical Academy was arrested on allegations of having an inappropriate relationship; the district attorney still hasn’t filed official charges.
A spokesperson for the Clark County District Attorney’s Office said they are said the case against Kristy Yegge is still being reviewed, adding “charges have not yet been filed.”
The EMT instructor was arrested in early December after Las Vegas police received a report that she had an inappropriate relationship with a student at the school.
As prosecutors continue looking into the current case, a woman has come forward saying she was victimized by Yegge several years ago.
Brittany Freer says she was friends with Yegge while they were teaching summer school together.
She claims back in 2012, Yegge asked to come over to her home after Freer was struggling with the anniversary of her grandfather’s death.
"I was really upset, and she was like, 'hey come over,'" Freer said.  "Once I went over to her house she proceeded to give me prescription drugs, and because I was in a hyper emotional state I took." 
Freer says those drugs caused her to fall asleep.
"I woke up to her grabbing my ankles and pulling me down to the edge of the bed.  At which point she started to take off my clothing and do whatever she was going to do," Freer said.
Freer says she tried to say something, but didn’t have the strength.
"I tried at one point to say something, and I know because I was laying down and lifted up my head and thought that took like amazing, amazing strength and energy and I couldn't possibly have any energy," Freer said. "Because I had taken such a strong combination of drugs, I was unable to do much, and then I remember putting my head down and blacked out after that."
Freer says she tried to block the experience in the month following the incident, but finally reported it to Las Vegas Police two years later.
"I think with all crimes like this it is hard for victim's to come forward," Freer said.
Police confirmed they did take a report under the case number provided by Freer, and it involved allegations of sexual assault by Yegge.
Police at that point they did not have any physical evidence to pursue charges.
Freer says she understood that decision, but decided to come forward after seeing the news of Yegge’s recent arrest in the headlines.
"I thought that I was over it until this came up, and then I realized maybe I wasn't," Freer said.  "Part of the reason why I am coming forward is because what happened is not okay. "
It is important to note that Yegge has not been charged in either case.
The Clark County School District says she remains assigned to her home at this time and is not on a school campus or at any other school building.
Action News reached out to Yegge about the allegations and received this response from her attorney:
“I represent Ms. Yegge, and in response to the allegations reported by you, she denies that she engaged in any inappropriate conduct whatsoever.
Ms. Yegge has been a teacher in Clark County for 13 years. She has been honored with both state and national recognitions, including Career and Technical Advisor of the Year, Advisor for the National Registry of EMT Championships, led her school to third place in the 2015 National EMT Championship, won multiple Nevada State EMT Championships, and various other awards.
To specifically address the allegations raised by your report, it is my understanding the alleged event occurred in 2012 and was not reported until 2014 to Metro. The fact that Metro closed its case without any charges against my client speaks volumes regarding the credibility of these allegations.
My client is steadfastly maintaining her innocence regarding these allegations, and I intend to defend her accordingly.”
JD Evans, Esq.