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What you need to know about the novel coronavirus

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The Center for Disease Control issued a warning for coronavirus outbreaks in the United States on Tuesday morning saying an outbreak is inevitable.

“It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen anymore but rather more of a question of exactly when this will happen,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said in a news briefing.


Why is novel coronavirus different?

-- It may have jumped from a snake in Wuhan. Normally, bats are the culprits.

-- It then became transmissable from human to human, which is very rare.

-- An infected person may not show symptoms for up to 14 days after exposure.

  • There are more than 80,200 confirmed cases worldwide and at least 2,704 deaths.
  • There have been 53 confirmed cases in the United States. Most of these cases are among the passengers that were on the Diamond Princes cruse ship.
  • CDC also advises local communities and cities to "modify, postpone or cancel mass gatherings" if needed and businesses should cancel meetings and conferences and arrange for employees to work from home if possible.
  • The CDC is hopeful that the coronavirus outbreak is seasonal like the flu and will subside in the summer.
  • If there is an outbreak in the U.S., disruptions to everyday life could be severe, according to CDC.
  • 12 states and localities in the US currently have the capability to test for the virus.
  • The coronavirus outbreak could force cancellation of 2020 Tokyo Games, they have approximately 3 months to decide.
  • Despite China's efforts, they have not been able to keep the illness from spreading to 35 countries.
  • The economic fallout appears "much worse" than SARS, which cost the global economy approximately $40 billion.
  • The U.S. currently has a stockpile of 30 million surgical masks, but country may need 300 million for health workers.

RELATED: US confirms 53 cases, CDC outlines pandemic planning


Fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat and trouble breathing.

Older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions are at the most risk.


  • Stay aware of what is happening in your community or any place you travel on a regular basis.
  • Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or with soap and water. Make sure to wash for at least 20 seconds.

  • Take a multivitamin and 50mg of Zinc per day, which will help inhibit viruses like coronavirus.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Maintain at least 3 feet of distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing and/or sneezing.
  • If you are the one coughing and/or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue. Throw away tissue immediately.
  • Clean surfaces you touch often both at home and at work, especially if they are touched by other people.
  • Cook raw foods thoroughly.
  • If you have a fever and/or difficulty breathing, contact a doctor immediately. If possible, you should call first and let them know what is happening.
  • Avoid visiting live markets in areas that have recently had new coronavirus cases and avoid contact with live animals and any surfaces they may have touched.
  • Avoid nonessential travel to China or any other place that has an outbreak.

How long can coronavirus live on surfaces?

How long can coronavirus live on surfaces?


  • You will not catch the coronavirus from parcels and letters from China or any country where there has been an outbreak.
  • Putting bleach under your nose will not stop you from getting the coronzvirus and can be dangerous if used on skin.
  • Rinsing your nostrils out with saline will not protect you from coronavirus. There is limited evidence it will help you recover more quickly from common cold.
  • Spraying alcohol all over your body will not kill viruses that have already enterted your body.
  • Hand dryers are not effective in killing COVID-19.
  • Sesame oil does not kill the new coronavirus.
  • UV lamps also should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin.
  • Gargling mouthwash will not protect your from the coronavirus.
  • Eating garlic also will not protect you from the coronavirus.
  • The World Health Organization says there no evidence to suggest household pets (cats and dogs) can be infected with the new coronavirus.
  • Vaccines against pneumonia and influenza do not protect you from the coronavirus. However, you should get them because the flu kills thousands of people every year.