UPDATE JUNE 7: The Nevada primary election is right around the corner and Clark County officials are reminding everyone to get their ballots in as soon as possible.
Mailed ballots must by postmarked or taken to a drop-off location by 7 p.m. on June 9. The election is being done by mail due to COVID-19.
The county says if you could not register to vote or update your existing registration before this date, you may do so in-person at the Clark County Election Department (965 Trade Dr., Suite F, North Las Vegas) from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. You may only vote a paper provisional mail ballot.
When you check-in to vote, you must show a current and valid (unexpired) Nevada Driver's License or Nevada State Identification card with a residential address that matches the one in your voter registration. If the address does not match, you must also show other proof of residency.
More information can be found here.

Nevada's primary election is just a few days away, and this Thursday is the last day to register to vote online.
This year, the primary election is mail-in ballot only.
Your signed mail ballot envelope must be postmarked by June 9. The county says it must receive properly postmarked mail ballots by 5n p.m. on June 16 (7 days after the Election Day) for them to be counted.
To register to vote, click here.
For more information and key election dates click here.