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Study: Millennials avoiding doctor, getting medical advice online

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A recent study has found that millennials seem to be avoiding the doctor and seeking medical advice online.

An agency stated it surveyed 2,000 young adults between the ages of 23 and 38 to learn more about their relationship with healthcare this year.

The study found that 1 in 4 of those in the survey had gone more than five years without getting a physical with nearly half admitting to putting off seeing a doctor about a health issue.

Furthermore, instead, the majority reported they had sought their own medical advice online.

The cost of healthcare was referred to as the possible reason for millennials turning online for their medical advice. As nearly 60 percent surveyed preferred high-deductible insurance plans with lower monthly premiums.

Also, an additional 65 percent reported they were not currently saving for medical emergencies.

More information is available here with the full report.