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State of Nevada looking to take over handful of CCSD schools

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The state’s effort to turn around underperforming schools could see a handful of Clark County School District schools become charter schools supervised by the state.

"If you were concerned parent what would you do?" a parent at the podium asked.
That was the question to CCSD leaders concerning the process of turning up to six underperforming schools each year into state supervised charter schools.
"This is the first process. We have a seat at the table," said Jeff Geihs, CCSD Turnaround Zone supervisor.
CCSD has identified 142 underperforming schools that could be on a Department of Education list for possible conversion due out next month. Officials are careful to say parents shouldn't panic adding this will be a long process with more meetings to come after the state releases its list.
The state is expected to release its list of schools under consideration for the change in the middle of October. CCSD and the state would then work to whittle that list down to the potentially six schools to be converted around the middle of February.
Many parents are worried their kids could be left out if a school is chosen as a charter.
“They are going to choose who is going to stay and who is going to be out," said Maria Becerra, the parent of a West Prep Middle School student.
Both state and CCSD leaders say that wouldn't be the case. The new law that created the Achievement School District requires the new charter schools to accept students in that zone before anyone else.
“I think the first thing is you're guaranteed a space. I think the second thing is you're guaranteed a voice," said Lana Wilcox Lavin, superintendent of the Achievement School District.
The charter schools would be able to hire its own principal and teachers. The district says staff at the impacted schools would likely be absorbed elsewhere in the district.