Clark County has reached a milestone in its “Transform Clark County” Master Plan & Development Code Rewrite and is urging residents to take an online survey now through Oct. 31.
Additionally, officials invite the public to join them at a virtual open house on Oct. 8 at 1 p.m. and Oct. 14 at 10:30 a.m. to learn more about the newly-developed “preliminary plan framework,” ask questions and share ideas about the future of Clark County.
Clark County announced its “Transform Clark County” initiative in June and recently completed a preliminary framework for a new master plan, which one may view on the project website.
These preliminary findings provide an opportunity to check in with stakeholders and the community on three questions: Have we heard you correctly? Are we on the right track? Are we missing anything? Based upon public input, the County’s project team will refine the plan framework and begin to develop countywide policy directions to be discussed later in the year.
One major goal is to improve alignment between the master plan and the development code. The master plan is the leading policy document guiding growth and day-to-day decision-making.
The development code establishes regulations, development standards and procedures needed to implement the guidance provided by the master plan. The development code must be based upon the updated master plan, which is being reviewed as part of this process first.
The survey can be taken here.
Those interested in attending the virtual open house can RSVP by clicking here.