Clark County today asked residents to complete a survey about its Development Code, called “Title 30,” by Dec. 15 and take part in virtual stakeholder meetings scheduled for Dec. 8.
It is the latest effort involved in the County’s major, multi-year “Transform Clark County” initiative launched earlier this year.
The process will establish a cohesive, countywide vision for the future of the County and a defined strategy to achieve that vision.
This effort will include a complete rewrite of Clark County’s key policy and regulatory documents—the Master Plan and Development Code. The updated Master Plan will serve as a policy guide for the growth and physical development of Clark County over the coming decades and will inform subsequent updates to the Development Code.
The survey is available here. Look for the “Take Survey” button at the top of the page.
Residents are encouraged to attend a virtual open house on Dec. 8 at either 10:30 a.m. to noon or 6 to 7:30 p.m. to learn about draft countywide policies, ask questions and share your ideas about the future of Clark County.
Please RSVP by clicking here.
The master plan rewrite portion of the Transform Clark County process will be the primary focus initially and is expected to be completed by summer 2021.
Adoption of the Development Code will occur in late 2022.
One may track the project on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, NextDoor and other social media channels using the hashtag #TransformClarkCounty.