UPDATE AT 12:15 AM MARCH 16: More details have been released about a woman who police say shot her ex-boyfriend inside her home. The man eventually died at a local hospital.
Family told 13 Action News the woman accused of opening fire is Katherine Hoyt.
“It’s a shock,” says Eva Hoyt, the mother-in-law of the accused shooter.
When asked if she’d ever expect her daughter-in-law to be involved a deadly shooting, Hoyt responded, “No. Because she’s not that kind of person.”
Eva Hoyt says Katherine is a loving parent. “She’s a good mom,” Hoyt says.
Hoyt confirmed her son, Katherine's husband, was not the man shot.
The accused shooter's husband was away at work in Alaska. In the 911 call, police say Katherine told them she opened fire because she was under attack.
13 Action News obtained audio of emergency crews racing to the scene moments after the shooting. The dispatcher says the victim is someone the shooter knows.
“Just shot her ex-boyfriend,” according to the audio.
Katherine Hoyt had been detained but not been at last check has not been charged.
Eva Hoyt says Katherine's two young sons would stay with her for the time being.
UPDATE AT 2:45 PM MARCH 15: According to initial reports, a woman inside the home shot a man who is believed to have been her ex-boyfriend. The woman has been detained but not known if she will be charged. The woman has 2 children, who were not home at the time of the shooting.
The Clark County coroner will identify the deceased after relatives have been notified.
UPDATE AT 1:15 PM: Officials say the victim died from his injuries at the hospital. Homicide detectives will be investigating the case.
Las Vegas police are investigating a shooting in the 9700 block of Miniature Street, which is near North El Capitan Way.
Law enforcement officials were called to the scene around 11:53 a.m. Wednesday. One man was taken to the hospital with a life-threatening gunshot wound.
An initial investigation reveals that the victim entered the home of someone he apparently knew. He was shot by the resident of the home.
Police are still investigating the incident. More information to come.