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Ben Carson attracts hundreds for Henderson rally


Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson was in town Sunday for a rally at the Henderson Pavilion.

The amphitheater was packed with hundreds of Carson supporters. Many of them were holding signs and cheering as they waited for the Republican candidate who took the stage about 30 minutes late.
Dr. Carson started off his speech with a moment of silence honoring the victims who lost their lives in the Paris attacks.
He spoke about the importance of education and explained how he was not a very good student himself.
He said the most popular question people ask him is, why would you leave the medical field to become a politician?
"I frequently ask myself that too. I mean it is a pretty nasty world, there's no question about it. But I'll tell you why. It's because America is worth saving. And you look at all those people," said Dr. Ben Carson.
Dr. Carson also talked a lot about his faith and his relationship with God. That seemed to really hit home with the audience this afternoon. He also spoke at the International Church of Las Vegas earlier Sunday.
He said we are the United States of America, not the divided states of America.