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Sen. Reid, Donald Trump continue war of words

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Nevada Sen. Harry Reid is continuing his war of words against Donald Trump.

In recent days, Reid called Trump "not slim and trim" and has called him a spoiled brat, a con artist and a human leech.

"He is one of the unbelievably immoral people I've ever heard deal with politics," Reid said in an interview with CNN.

Trump responded to the slim and trim comment in a Washington Post article, saying, "I think he should go back and start working out again with his rubber work-out pieces." This was in reference to an exercise band that snapped and blinded Reid in one eye.

Reid issued a statement in response to Trump's comments on his health.

"Donald Trump can make fun of the injury that crushed the side of my face and took the sight in my right eye all he wants -– I’ve dealt with tougher opponents than him. I may not be able to see out of my right eye, but with my good eye, I can see that Trump is a man who inherited his money and spent his entire life pretending like he earned it. In Searchlight, we learned a thing or two about hard work that Trump may not have learned at his boarding school."