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Nevada Republican Party State Convention to be held June 12-14 in Lake Tahoe

and last updated

In response to Gov. Sisolak’s directives regarding large gatherings and social distancing precautions surrounding COVID-19, the Nevada Republican Party has moved the previously schedule May 15 -17 State Convention to take place on the weekend of June 12-14 hosted at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe.

The Nevada Republican Party has been monitoring the situation on a day to day basis and awaiting clear directives from Gov. Sisolak as to the safety guidelines that would allow for participation from all of our various delegates across the state. Safety for our members is a top priority.

Out of an abundance of precaution we have decided to change the date and location of our convention to fit the needs of the committee. We are working diligently with our host, Harrah’s at Lake Tahoe, to ensure that group sizes are appropriate and interaction is minimal.

The Nevada Republican Party will continue to monitor the situation and comply with all safety guidelines.