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Nevada readying return to state-run health insurance website

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After relying on the federal HealthCare.gov website for five years, Nevada officials are preparing to switch back to a state-run insurance website where people can shop for and enroll in health coverage.

The online insurance marketplaces are a hallmark of former President Barack Obama's health care law, allowing those who aren't covered by their employer to sign up for insurance.

Nevada had originally opted to run its own website under a partnership with Xerox, but after it was plagued with technical problems the state switched to the U.S. government-run site in 2014.

The Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, the state agency that oversees Nevada's marketplace, says people can start logging into their accounts on the new website, nevadahealthlink.com as of Wednesday.

Consumers can start comparing health plans on Oct. 3 and enroll on Nov. 1.