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Nevada Presidential Voting, 1864-2012

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The winner of the U.S. presidential election has failed to carry Nevada only once in the 26 elections since 1908 when Republican William Taft defeated

Democrat William Jennings Bryan but lost in Nevada. In 1976, Nevada sided with Republican Gerald Ford when Democrat Jimmy Carter was elected president.

If Democrat Hillary Clinton wins in Nevada on Nov. 8, it will be the first time since the 1940s that the Democrats have carried the state in three consecutive elections.
Ronald Reagan and George Bush turned the trick for the GOPs from 1980-88.

The results in Nevada since it became a state during the Civil War in October 1864:

2012 -- Obama (D) def. Romney (R), carried Nevada
2008 -- Obama (D) def. McCain (R), carried Nevada
2004 -- Bush (R) def. Kerry (D), carried Nevada
2000 -- Bush (R) def. Gore (D), carried Nevada
1996 -- Clinton (D) def. Dole (R), carried Nevada
1992 -- Clinton (D) def. Bush (R), carried Nevada
1988 -- Bush (R) def. Dukakis (D), carried Nevada
1984 -- Reagan (R) def. Mondale (D), carried Nevada
1980 -- Reagan (R) def. Carter (D), carried Nevada
1976 -- Carter (D) def. Ford (R), LOST Nevada
1972 -- Nixon (R) def. McGovern (D), carried Nevada
1968 -- Nixon (R) def. Humphrey (D), carried Nevada
1964 -- Johnson (D) def. Goldwater (R), carried Nevada
1960 -- Kennedy (D) def. Nixon (R), carried Nevada
1956 -- Eisenhower (R) def. Stevenson (D), carried Nevada
1952 -- Eisenhower (R) def. Stevenson, (D), carried Nevada
1948 -- Truman (D) def. Dewey (R), carried Nevada
1944 -- Roosevelt (D) def. Dewey (R), carried Nevada
1940 -- Roosevelt (D) def. Willkie (R), carried Nevada
1936 -- Roosevelt (D) def. Landon (R), carried Nevada
1932 -- Roosevelt (D) def. Hoover, carried Nevada
1928 -- Hoover (R) def. Smith (D), carried Nevada
1924 -- Coolidge (R) def. Davis (D), carried Nevada
1920 -- Harding (R) def. Cox (D), carried Nevada
1916 -- Wilson (D) def. Hughes (R), carried Nevada
1912 -- Wilson (D) def. Taft (R), carried Nevada
1908 -- Taft (R) def. Bryan, (R), LOST Nevada
1904 -- Roosevelt (R) def. Parker (D), carried Nevada
1900 -- McKinley (R) def. Bryan (D), LOST Nevada
1896 -- McKinley (R) def. Bryan (D), LOST Nevada
1892 -- Cleveland (D) def. Harrison (R), LOST Nevada(asterisk)
1888 -- Harrison (R) def. Cleveland, carried Nevada
1884 -- Cleveland (D) def. Blaine (R), LOST Nevada
1880 -- Garfield (R) def. Hancock (D), LOST Nevada
1876 -- Hayes (R) def. Tilden (R), carried Nevada
1872 -- Grant (R) def. Greeley (D), carried Nevada
1868 -- Grant (R) def. Seymour (D), carried Nevada
1864 -- Lincoln (R) def. McClellan, carried Nevada

(asterisk) -- Nevada was carried in 1892 by James Weaver, the nominee of the People's Party -- also known as the Populist Party -- and was endorsed by the Silver Party.