Nevada is the 10th worst state to have a baby, according to WalletHub.
WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 26 key measures to determine the best and worst states to have a child for 2018. They looked at cost of birth, rate of low birth weight, number of doctors, child care center, infant mortality rate, cost of childcare and more.
Having a Baby in Nevada (1=Best; 25=Avg.)
35th – Hospital Cesarean-Delivery Charges
35th – Hospital Conventional-Delivery Charges
37th – Avg. Annual Cost of Early Child Care
17th – Infant Mortality Rate
30th – Rate of Low Birth-Weight
37th – Midwives & OB-GYNs per Capita
48th – Pediatricians & Family Doctors per Capita
48th – Child-Care Centers per Capita
40th – Parental-Leave Policy Score
List of the top 5 states:
1. Vermont
2. Massachusetts
3. Minnesota
4. New hampshire
5. North Dakota
List of bottom 5 states:
47. Oklahmoa
48. Louisiana
49. South Carolina
50. Alabama
51. Mississippi