Several viewers are asking for streetlights in their neighborhood to be fixed, but are being left in the dark.
They are angry the Mountain's Edge Master Homeowners' Association is leaving the main roads in disrepair while they are stuck paying dues.
A car crash almost a year ago knocked down the a streetlight at Buffalo and Gomer.
About two months later, another wreck took out a light at Buffalo and Blue Diamond.
"They laid in disrepair on the median for several months; finally they were taken away," said Melanie Hobson, who lives in Mountain's Edge.
She and several other neighbors in Mountain's Edge are annoyed they have not been replaced yet. But the replacement for one of the lamps is still laying on the side of the road.
"I know for sure that the HOA would never allow a resident to have something in disrepair in their front yard that's visible to the community, so why should the master developer be allowed to have this sit there for so long in disrepair?" said Hobson.
Hobson said she sent a number of emails to the Master Association, but never got an answer as to why this has taken so long.
We called the Mountain's Edge Master Association. They said Buffalo is a Clark County roadway, but the master developer has not turned over maintenance to the county. They said they have already told the developer about people's concerns over the lights.
"In one area where the lamp is, it is right next to a very busy crosswalk that does not have any signal or lights associated with it so it is very dangerous to have that not lit up properly," Hobson said.
There is a history of wrecks in the area in addition to the ones that took the lights out.
Action News called the master developer, Focus Group.
They sent us the following statement:
"The street light located in the median approximately 150 feet south of the Buffalo Dr./Gomer Rd. intersection was downed by a vehicle on Monday, Feb. 16, 2015. A second accident took out the median street light approximately 150 feet south of the intersection of Buffalo Dr./Blue Diamond Rd. on Saturday, May 9, 2015. Focus Property Group was notified of those accidents shortly after each occurred.
"Focus' efforts to secure funding for the replacement of the poles from the responsible individuals involved in those accidents and their insurance companies took significantly longer than originally anticipated. Given that the downed street lights are not at intersections and there are operational street lights within 120 feet of each location, Focus and its contractor concentrated their efforts on the replacement of three other previously downed street light poles along Buffalo south of Mountain's Edge Pkwy. - work on those was completed in July 2015.
In late June 2015, Focus authorized its contractor to proceed with the purchase and installation of the street lights at Buffalo/Blue Diamond and Buffalo/Gomer. Obtaining the requisite double arms needed for the street light poles took much longer than anticipated. In the meantime, the contractor installed the new street light foundations and staged one of the poles in August. The pole arms were received in October.
Unfortunately, since then, traffic control measures associated with the ongoing construction of a new apartment development north of the intersection of Buffalo/Blue Diamond have hindered the ability of the contractor's traffic control subcontractor to set up the requisite traffic control/barricade plan for the installation of the street light immediately south of Blue Diamond (which will require three lanes to be closed, including the northbound left turn lane). There is currently only one northbound lane on Buffalo and one left turn lane. A traffic control plan for the Buffalo/Gomer pole installation was submitted by the traffic control subcontractor for Clark County Public Works review approximately 1½ weeks ago and is pending approval, which is expected shortly. The contractor is working closely with Clark County and the traffic control contractor on a traffic control plan for the installation of the remaining street light.
While the roadway improvements within Buffalo Drive south to Mountain's Edge Pkwy. are otherwise complete, work to obtain the final County approval of the underlying sewer infrastructure, which extends beyond the Buffalo corridor, is ongoing. Once approved, Focus anticipates that the Buffalo Drive improvements will be accepted for maintenance by the County."