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WH looking to revive Obamacare repeal before 100-day deadline


Two sources close to the health care legislative process tell CNN the White House is exploring whether to take one more stab at repealing and replacing Obamacare before President Donald Trump hits the key milestone of 100 days in office late next week.

The renewed effort comes as Congress returns from recess next week and as the Trump administration is fielding questions about its legislative accomplishments during its first 100 days in office.


"I don't think it's impossible to think we'll have a vote," a senior administration official said optimistically. But the official cautioned that some GOP House members are still at odds over some of the bill's sticking points.

"I don't think it's having to rewrite the bill. It's just a total trust gap. As soon as we solve that, we can have a vote," the official said.

Trump himself was confident about the chances of Congress passing a health bill Tuesday in Wisconsin, telling WTMJ: "We are going to have a big win soon, because we are going to have health care and that's gonna happen. And there was no lose with health care, this is just a constant negotiation and the plan is getting better and better all the time."

But the White House's timeline may be too optimistic, another source said.

"We'd all like to have it done by then, but not sure that's feasible," another GOP source close to the process said. Speaking of the White House, the source added: "I think they have that in mind. But we need to manage expectations. We've learned a lesson on arbitrary deadlines."

The White House and House Republicans pulled legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare last month after failing to garner enough support for passage.

That GOP source said members continue to discuss ways to tally up the 216 votes needed to pass an Obamacare repeal measure through the House. But Congress has a more pressing concern as members return to Capitol Hill -- approving a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown and keep the government running.

"The No. 1 priority is government funding when we return," the source said.

The prospect of the government shutting down around the 100-day milestone is not lost on White House and congressional officials. Funding for most departments and agencies of the federal government runs out on April 28.

"That would be a disaster," a key GOP congressional source said.