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Violent video shows teen brutally beaten as others watched and recorded

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MORRIS, Okla. -- A horrific video making the rounds on social media shows a young woman brutally beaten in Oklahoma as others sat back watching and recording.

The young woman claims those who did this also set her belongings on fire.

It happened in Morris when the teenager went to stay at a someone’s house. She left with bruises, a black eye, and no belongings.

All involved are minors.

The Facebook video spread like wildfire and has been shared nearly 2,000 times, with 60,000 views. Residents are in shock.

“I was just like oh my gosh and then when she showed me the other ones and I realized who it was… I'm really disappointed in both them girls,” a resident said.

The video shows a group of teenagers, well known to the community, attacking a young girl named Wrylee.

A punch to the face then ignites a storm of physical abuse for nearly a minute.  The victim stood defenseless as a male holding the camera can be heard cheering on the fight.

“I don't think he had any right to be doing that,” a resident said. “He’s just as wrong as the two girls that were jumping her.”

A family member of the victim, declined an interview, but said the beating was not justified.

They said the victim's clothes were then burned on the front lawn by the aggressors, leaving Wrylee with nothing.

The incident was reported to the police and the case has been turned over to the Okmulgee County, Oklahoma District Attorney.

Meanwhile, residents remain shocked that something like this would happen in their quiet town.

“To be treated like that, it's just sad. And those girls need to be punished.”

Our staff did reach out to the DA, however he could not be reached for comment.

Family members of the victim said the young girl lost everything, and a GoFundMe page has been set up to help.