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U.S. flag to be flown at half-staff on Saturday


President Donald Trump issued a president proclamation on Friday urging Federal agencies and interested organizations, groups, and individuals to fly the flag at half-staff on Saturday.

Trump's proclamation was issued to remember the 2,335 U.S. troops and 68 civilians killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack was conducted by Japanese forces around 8 a.m. on Dec. 7, 1941.

In addition to Trump's order, governors throughout the U.S. have ordered flags on state property to be flown at half-staff.

Saturday marks National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, which was designated as a day of remembrance by Congress in 1994.

The Pearl Harbor National Memorial will also hold a ceremony Saturday, starting at 7:50 a.m. HT. Those interested in viewing the ceremony can click here to watch live.