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Syrian warplane shot down by US-led coalition


A Syrian warplane was shot down near Raqqa by the United States-led coalition after the regime wounded Syrian Democratic Force fighters in an earlier attack, the US-led coalition said.

The coalition shot down a Syrian plane in self-defense after a regime SU-22 dropped bombs near SDF forces, the statement said.

A number of SDF forces, which are backed by the US-led coalition, were wounded in the attack, the statement said.

The Syrian Armed Forces, meanwhile, said one of its warplanes was attacked in the Raqqa countryside, "while it was carrying out a combatant mission against ISIS terrorist organization." The pilot is missing, The Syrian Armed Forces said.

The general command called the action a "flagrant aggression" that affirmed the United States' "real stance in support of terrorism," according to Syrian Armed Forces.

"The attack stresses coordination between the US and ISIS, and it reveals the evil intentions of the US in administrating terrorism and investing it to pass the US-Zionist project in the region."