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Michigan public school students among travelers to Trump's inauguration

Kids studying election take trip to DC
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Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend Donald Trump's presidential inauguration in Washington D.C. on Friday.

That includes students who are getting an up close look at history as it's being written.

Students from Hancock Middle and High School in Hancock, Michigan piled into a coach bus Tuesday evening after months of fundraising and studying the election.

Social studies teacher Matt Dennis says the inauguration is a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience for the kids to see a peaceful transfer of power.

"I think this will make that very real for them," Dennis said. "When they see power transition from not just one man to another man but one party to another party in the executive branch. I think it’s important they learn how important their vote is."

Around 40 students are making the trek from Hancock to the Disctrict of Columbia.

They have also been invited to visit the Finnish Embassy.