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Save your car with 4 insider tips from a mechanic

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When the check engine light comes on, do you even know what to do? If you know what's going on it will save you a lot of headache and money. Jared Cotter is talking with master mechanic and owner of Mazvo Auto Care Center, Shahe Koulloukian. He has four tips that could save your car.

1.  Read the Owner's Manual

The very first thing you need to do is be proactive. What's great about the owner's manual is it has an index so if you have a tire problem, stereo problem or brake problem, just go to the index, find that and it'll tell you what page. Three pages, you're good to go.

2.  Ask Questions

If you have an oil leak then don’t be afraid to ask how bad it is. Ask your mechanic lots of questions so you truly understand. Have them show you what’s going on.

3.  Master the Basics

Every single driver should know how to change the oil, tires and jump-start their car. Being prepared is very important.

4.  Let Your Nose Be Your Guide

If you're driving around and you smell sweet syrup 90 percent of the time it has to do with your cooling system. Something is leaking. If you smell burning carpet it's your brakes and it means they're probably very low. If it's a rotten egg smell the catalytic converter is clogged or something else that’s building up pressure.

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