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Rare heart defect causes death of Georgia 6-year-old on baseball field


ROCK SPRING, Ga. – A family in Georgia is grieving the loss of their 6-year-old son who died suddenly on the baseball field of a rare heart defect.

Meghan Bryson said her son, Brantley Chandler, loved baseball and was on the ball field with his teammates getting ready to take a team picture when he collapsed.

The next team picture snapped of the Rock Springs Mustangs would be at Lake Funeral home as they said their final goodbyes.

Bryson said Brantley was born with a rare congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.

The CDC reports that the syndrome is so rare, less than 1,000 children in the United States are born with the defect each year.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome stops the left side of the heart from developing normally.

The Rock Spring Athletic Association will hold a special tribute to Brantley on opening day April 13.