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Macadamia nuts recalled for Salmonella


Mahina Mele Farms, LLC is recalling the following products after FDA testing found Salmonella in macadamia nuts, according to a press release from the FDA. 

The macadamia nuts were distributed to retail stores in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Maryland and Virginia from Oct 21 to Nov 25, 2015, and involve three lot numbers 026, 027 and 029.

The FDA said no illnesses have been linked to the sale or consumption of the nuts. The nuts were recalled in the interest of public safety and health.

According to the FDA, healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis.

These are the infected nuts:

Izzie Macs! Macadamia Nuts 689076792677 026,027,029 6oz (salted) plastic bag
Izzie Macs! Macadamia Nuts 689076793575 026,027,029 6oz (unsalted) plastic bag
Izzie Macs! Macadamia Nuts 689076792776 026,027,029 16oz (unsalted) plastic bag
Izzie Macs! Macadamia Nuts 689076792974 026,027,029 16oz (salted) plastic bag
Bulk Macadamia nuts - 026,027,029 5lb bag (salted and unsalted; wholes and pieces)
Baby Bruddah’s Mac Nut Buttah 753182242019 026,027,029 12oz, plastic tub
Baby Bruddah’s Chocolate Mac Nut Buttah 73518224204 026,027,029 12oz, plastic tub