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Fearless Girl statue to stay put at NYSE for now

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The 4-foot bronze Fearless Girl statue in New York City will stay in its current spot for almost another year.

The statue has been in front of the Charging Bull at the New York Stock Exchange since 2017.

On Monday, members of the Public Design Commission granted an 11-month extension and will look for a permanent place for the statue.

The artist who created the statue, Kristen Visbal, began selling replicas of it around the world and is currently in litigation with State Street Global Advisors, the company that commissioned it.

A State Street spokesperson said in a statement: "We are appreciative the Fearless Girl statue will remain at her current location in front of the New York Stock Exchange. With the outcome of today's hearing with the City of New York's Public Design Commission, we will work together with the Department of Transportation, PDC, and the artist regarding our desire to keep the Fearless Girl statue at her current location for an extended period."

The statue has become a popular tourist destination.

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