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Despite resignation, Michigan State president Lou Anna K. Simon will have perks for life

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Michigan State president Lou Anna K. Simon resigned Wednesday night, hours after a former athletic trainer on campus was sentenced to between 40 and 175 years for sexually assaulting dozens of women.

But despite her resignation, Simon will continue to receive a lifetime of benefits and perks from the university.

Simon, who was making an annual salary of $520,000 a year with a $100,000 annual retention bonus, could resign by providing a minimum of 60 days written notice of her resignation. During that time, her contract allows her to fulfill her duties as president.

After her resignation, she also has the ability to return to faculty. If she chooses that route, Simon will be allowed a 12 month research leave, which she will be paid 100 percent of her last salary as president. When she returns, she will continue to make 100 percent of her presidential salary during her first year and 75 percent of it in her second and any more years after that.

The job also comes with many perks, including tickets to games, parking and more.

According to her contract, Simon and her spouse will receive:

  • Two complimentary all events and all locations driving and parking passes
  • Two complimentary tickets to home football games in the Spartan Club
  • Two complimentary tickets to home women's basketball games and courtside seats for women's volleyball
  • The option to buy four season tickets for men's basketball games
  • Tickets for bowl games and postseason play for football, men's and women's basketball, ice hockey, and tickets to performances on campus
  • A parking pass for each home football game, men's and women's basketball games and ice hockey.

On top of those benefits, she will have the title of President Emeritus on top of her possible faculty title.

"To facilitate her activities in support of the University as President Emeritus, the President and her spouse will continue to be provided technical computer support and access to all MSU computer services including voice mail. Any costs associated with the provision of such technical support will be paid by the office of the president," her contract reads.

Read her entire contract below.

Lou Anna K. Simon contract by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd

It's not clear who will replace Simon, but the Board of Trustees has a meeting scheduled Friday to discuss the matter.

In her resignation letter, Simon wrote:

Members of the Board of Trustees:

The last year and a half has been very difficult for the victims of Larry Nassar, for the university community, and for me personally.  To the survivors, I can never say enough that I am so sorry that a trusted, renowned physician was really such an evil, evil person who inflicted such harm under the guise of medical treatment.  I know that we all share the same resolve to do whatever it takes to avert such tragedies here and elsewhere.

As you and many in the Spartan family know, I planned to retire in December 2016, and we had begun a conversation about a smooth transition.  Then the Indianapolis Star article appeared about USAG and one of the victims contacted MSU police to file a complaint.  The MSU Police investigation commenced.  Nassar’s employment was terminated shortly thereafter.  Work began within the HealthTeam and other areas of the university to improve safety.  Given the challenges, my transition was postponed.  I appreciate the support you provided. 

The survivors’ accounts are horrific.  They are tragic, heartbreaking, and personally gut-wrenching.  I take solace that many victims have indicated that the opportunity to confront Nassar is a step toward healing.  I am proud of the exceptional work of the Special Victims Unit led by Lieutenant Andrea Munford with the steadfast leadership of Chief Dunlap.  I am proud of my support of their work even though the results have been very painful to all who watched.

As Nassar’s legal journey to prison was drawing to a close, more and more negative attention was focused on Michigan State University, and on me.  I am pleased that statements have been made by Mr. Fitzgerald and Board members about my integrity and the fact that there is no cover-up.  I support wholeheartedly the Board’s decision to ask the Attorney General’s Office to review the events surrounding the Nassar matter.  This is an important step toward providing more assurance to the university community and to the public.  In the past, I have provided assurances to the Attorney General of my full cooperation, and I will continue to do so.

As tragedies are politicized, blame is inevitable.  As president, it is only natural that I am the focus of this anger.  I understand, and that is why I have limited my personal statements.   Throughout my career, I have worked very hard to put Team MSU first.  Throughout my career, I have consistently and persistently spoken and worked on behalf of Team MSU.  I have tried to make it not about me.  I urge those who have supported my work to understand that I cannot make it about me now.  Therefore, I am tendering my resignation as president according to the terms of my employment agreement.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a principled person.  I have spent my entire professional career, more than 40 years, at MSU.  I love this place.  I have watched it grow and prosper, and it has been the honor and privilege of my life to serve as its president since 2005, and over the last few years, to have the opportunity to work with all of you toward our shared goals for MSU. I will continue to do whatever I can to help MSU prosper in the future as a Spartan in whatever role I may play.


Lou Anna K. Simon, President
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor 

Brian Breslin, chair of the MSU Board of Trustees, said the trustees agree that it is now time for change. 

His full statement as follows:

"President Simon has offered her resignation to the Board of Trustees, and we will accept it. We agree with Dr. Simon that it is now time for change.

President Simon has served with distinction as MSU’s President for 13 years and has been a constant presence at the university for more than 40 years. She literally has devoted her entire professional life to this institution, and more than anyone else has helped make MSU a national and international leader in higher education.

We will be working through the details of transition with President Simon through the rest of the week and will announce them as soon as we can. Many are aware President Simon delayed returning to the faculty to lead through the challenges the university has been facing. We greatly appreciate her integrity, her many contributions, and her willingness to continue to serve through transition."