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DC street outside Saudi embassy renamed Jamal Khashoggi Way

Saudi Embassy Khashoggi Way

A street outside the Saudi embassy in Washington D.C. has been renamed to honor slain Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

According to the Associated Press, members of the D.C. Council were on hand when a street sign read "Jamal Khashoggi Way" was unveiled directly in front of the embassy’s main entrance.

The new street name was unveiled a month before President Joe Biden is to visit Saudi Arabia.

Khashoggi went missing on October 2, 2018, after he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to obtain the correct documents to get married to his fiancee, who was waiting outside for him, the news outlet reported.

He never emerged.

The AP reported that initially, the Saudi government denied any wrongdoing but eventually admitted that the 59-year-old had been killed after entering the building.

Last year, the CIA released a report that said Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing and dismemberment of Khashoggi.