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3 tiny home living facts from a tiny home dweller

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If you've seen all those stories about tiny homes and are thinking about whether the lifestyle would work for you, don't take HGTV's word for it - ask someone who, four years ago, built one herself, downsized in a big way, and still lives in one now! Kristina Guerrero talked to Jenna Spesard of Tiny House, Giant Journey to get the truth about 3 things it takes to live tiny.

Tip #1: Try Out the Life

Did you know you could try out a tiny home without having to buy one? Spesard says if you aren't sure if you'd be able to do the "tiny" thing, you can try out the lifestyle by staying in tiny hotels or communities. You'll get to see the different models and designs of the homes, while also seeing if you can spend a week (or longer) in a home that size.

Here's one list of tiny house hotels all over the countries, and you're bound to find more with a quick search!

Tip #2: Be Realistic About Your "Needs"

When you've got a house with a lot of space, you don't have to think as hard about if you really need that new turquoise shelf from Goodwill. But when you live in a tiny house, you have to be more conscious about what you intend to bring home.

A tiny home gives you a unique space to show off your personality, but it requires you to think about how you can show your quirks in smaller ways. If you like having a big space for giant gallery walls and elaborate decor - that's okay! But you might not be as happy in a tiny home as you are in your big one.

Tip #3: Think Outside Your Box

You might think that if you have to live in a tiny home, you'll have to find a way to squeeze all of the belongings you want to keep in, and throw everything you can't fit out. But Spesard says that one way to keep some of your favorite things is to think of how you can use them outside.You can put your exercise bike out in the backyard for a workout with a view or make a tent a playroom for the kids.

If you're someone that likes to switch things up at home, but don't want to commit to any particular layout, a tiny home might be the perfect way for you to change up your space while still feeling at home.

Ready to try out the tiny home life for yourself? Check out Tiny House Listings to start your search for the perfect mini home for you. And tell us if you'd ever live in a tiny home and why (or why not!) on our Facebook page, @TheListShowTV.