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Parents say 'strange man' is preying on kids

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UPDATE: Parents in the Green Valley area of Henderson are on edge as new stories of a potential predator lurking in the area surface.
Friday evening a parent says she got a recorded message from CCSD saying two children were nearly abducted while walking home from Estes McDoniel Elementary School that afternoon.
We called CCSD for confirmation but haven't heard back.
This comes as more parents are sharing their stories. Erica Roth said a white truck was following her son near Valle Verde and Warm Springs. She's just glad he knew what to do.
"He got really scared. He ran the other way, he hid, he ran into my parents house. My dad freaked out, called 911," explained Roth of how her son reacted.
According to Roth he is still terrified and told her he's not going outside anymore.
Roth believes it's the same man other Henderson parents have seen lurking around the area including Loretta Rizzo. She shared her story with Action News after she says a man was creeping around her daughter near Warm Springs and Arroyo Grande.
"I saw some other parents were voicing the same concerns on Facebook, I reached out to them and and after communicating kind of figured out, it's the same guy," explained Roth.
Henderson police say they are investigating the frightening situations. Parents are taking matters into their own hands, setting up Facebook pages to warn each other and patrolling the streets themselves.
"Looking for anybody suspicious and I'm not shy so I've talked to everybody I possibly can and gotten them aware of the situation," said Alexia Lord, who's been patrolling.
All the parents want the same thing.
"We just want to get this guy. We want, he needs probably psychological help but first and foremost he needs to get him off the streets," said Lord.
Dozens of parents in Henderson say a man is preying on their children and they want him off the streets as soon as possible. One father took matters into his own hands and chased the man away.
"I believe his motive is to take a child," said Loretta Rizzo.
Mother of five, Loretta Rizzo, has never dealt with something like this before.
"It scares me and it angers me and I'm not used to being in fear for my children," she said.
Monday night, her daughter was petting the neighbor's dog.
"She was standing there for a few seconds and the dog started going crazy," said Rizzo. "He started barking and growling ... and my daughter looked up and found a strange man standing there staring at her."
The girl froze. The dog got louder. The unknown man took off running.
"She was very scared. She was very restless. She was alarmed, worried that he was going to come back."
Rizo says he did come back the very next night.
"I got on the phone with the police department while my husband was still running around chasing him," she said.
Rizzo says the man jumped over a nearby wall to exit their complex. Her husband followed him.
The Henderson Police Department says they are investigating the frightening situation. 
Rizzo's Facebook post about what happened has been shared more than 700 times.
Dozens of others are reaching out saying they saw him too.
"People have seen him peeping in bedroom windows of 11-year-old girls," said Rizzo. "He actually went to grab this specific child."
Now dozens of parents across Henderson just want one thing.
"I want them to catch him. They have to catch him."
The man is being described as Hispanic or light skin African American, in his 20's, wearing a white hoodie, red gloves, brown pants, and black boots. Witnesses also say he carries a rag with him.
The incident reportedly took place in the area of Warm Springs Road and Arroyo Grande.