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LIVE STREAM: Memorial service for boxer Muhammad Ali

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The legendary boxer Muhammad Ali was laid to rest today during a private ceremony at Cave Hill Cemetery in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. A public memorial service is scheduled at around 3 p.m. ET (noon locally).

Speakers: Bill Clinton, Bryant Gumbel, and Billy Crystal will deliver eulogies. Valerie Jarrett, President Obama's senior advisor, will read a statement on Obama's behalf.There will also be speakers representing multiple faiths.

Pallbearers: Rahaman Ali, Victor Bender, Howard Bingham, The Honorable John Y. Brown, George Chuvalo, Ronald DiNicola, George Foreman, Larry Holmes, Gene Kilroy, Jerry Perenchio, Michael Phenner, Dr. Harvey Sloane, Cleve Walker, Harlan Werner and Will Smith.

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