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Las Vegas police completes majority of changes recommended after 1 October mass shooting

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Six months after the release of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s 1 October After-Action Review, the department has implemented 84 of the 93 recommendations for change.

The 1 October After-Action Review was released in July 2019 to assess and document the LVMPD’s response to the 1 October shooting in 2017.

The 158-page internal report found areas that needed improvement, such as emergency equipment, communications and training. Each of the 21 bureaus named in the report were given 6 months to shore up any weaknesses outlined in the findings.

With a 90 percent completion rate, the remaining bureaus still have recommendations to complete and are actively working on securing funding for items that require large investments in software.

Other bureaus are working on ironing out agreements with partnering agencies, which takes considerable time.

“This self-critique of LVMPD’s response has shaped changes in our preparation and training for future incidents at all levels of the agency,” said Sheriff Joe Lombardo.

LVMPD has already addressed lifesaving measures to secure open-air venues that face highrise structures. It now keeps trauma kits on-hand at large venues.

LVMPD also created a Major Case Investigative group made up of experts from every part of this agency to handle mass casualty incidents (MCI) and high-profile incidents.

The LVMPD has also filled gaps in training that were found as part of the 18-month internal review and addressed issues with radio communication, among other changes.

The 1 October After-Action Review was intended to provide a roadmap for other law enforcement agencies to utilize in the planning of active shooter incidents in the hope that agencies and cities can benefit from the lessons the LVMPD learned.