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Las Vegas 51's mix baseball and patriotism for fun-filled Military Appreciation Night

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As many of us look forward to a three-day weekend, the Las Vegas 51s combined the American pastime with some very special reminders of why we have a Memorial Day holiday.

In 93 years World War II Army Sergeant Roger Bain has surely experienced and felt a lot of things, but standing on top of the pitcher's mound at Cashman Field,

"It was quite a feeling. I never expected it you know," Bain said. He's a humble member of America's Greatest Generation. 

"My arm is crumpled up you know," he said showing some difficulty making a fist. 

He seemed worried that perhaps he didn't throw out the greatest pitch.

"I can't throw overhand. I just throw underhanded."

But the crowd packed into the stands for a special Military Appreciation Night didn't mind and in the end, neither did he. 

"Oh, I'm enjoying myself. Being around all these people, mostly young people you know," said Bain. "But it's nice being around people."

And it's nice for people to be around men like Mr. Bain.

Col Christopher Zuhlke, Nevada Test and Training Range Commander says while people enjoy the long weekend he hopes they really ponder the significance of the holiday.

"You need to take that time to really think about what Memorial Day is all about," said Col Zuhlke."It is about those who have come before us and more specifically those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to ensure we have the security and freedoms we have today."

Because unless we let them know men like Mr. Bain, who sees himself in pretty ordinary terms, 

"I enjoy life. I live alone and take care of myself. That way I don't have to argue with anybody."

They would never know just how special they really are. 

Mr. Bain says he lives just a few blocks away from his daughter in Las Vegas and he affectionately says that she is the boss.