Now is the time to make sure your child's shots are up to date before school starts on Monday.
Here is a list of vaccination requirements for the Clark County School District:
- Two Hepatitis A doses
- Three Hepatitis B doses
- Four or Five DTP, DT, DTaP doses (diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus)
- Three or Four polio doses
- Two MMR doses (mumps/measles/rubella)
- Two Varicella doses (chickenpox)
For 7th grade entry, a meningitis shot and one TDaP dose are required at 11-12 years of age.
But now more than ever doctors are seeing more parents opting out of vaccinating their children.
Dr. Erin Honke works with children on the autism spectrum and is educating parents on the myths about vaccinations. She says she has heard many parents talk about a link between autism and shots, which is completely untrue.
"That's not even in my mind as far as a causal factor. We know that autism is very highly genetic," Honke said. "The diseases we saw about 50 or 60 years ago, Mumps, Measles, Rubella and whooping cough. Those are coming back."
The only way parents can opt of getting their child vaccinated is for religious or medical reasons.