Desktop instructions
1. Go to the settings at the top of your Facebook profile
2. Scroll down and click on News Feed Preferences
3. Click on Prioritize who to see first
4. Click on the pages and people who you would prefer to see first in your Facebook news feed. A star will appear on the ones you select. You can select up to 30 people or pages. Click Done when you are finished.
Mobile app instructions
1. Click on the More button at the bottom of your screen
2. Scroll down, find and click on Settings
3. Click on News Feed Preferences
4. Click on Prioritize who to see first
5. Select the people and pages you want and a blue star will appear. Click done at the top of the screen when you are finished.
You can also select what type of notifications you receive from the pages you like directly from that page. Go to a page you like. Click on the Like button and from the dropdown menu you can edit the notifications using the pencil icon.
You're all finished! Be sure to keep up with us on Facebook for the latest breaking news and stories you won't want to miss.