One report found that Nevada is among the "grinchiest" states while another found that the Silver State, specifically Las Vegas, is more giving.
To determine which U.S. states are the most and least grinchiest, the analysts at GetCenturyLink compared data in two main categories: online activity and area culture. Online culture included Google searches for Christmas-related things, Christmas music streaming and social media about Christmas while area culture included number of Christmas tree farms and charitable giving.
Nevada was ranked No. 46 out of the 50 states, making it among the grinchiest. Alaska was at the bottom of the list. Washington was the least grinchiest, or said to be the state with the most Christmas spirit.
Now, GoFundMe found that Las Vegas is among the most generous cities in the country, ranking No. 9 on its list. Steamboat Springs, Colorado, was at the top of the list, based on donations per capita.