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Henderson politician finds vulgar and anti-Semitic graffiti on campaign signs

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People are outraged after graffiti showing vulgar and anti-Semitic drawings were spotted on a local politicians signs.

Former District 29 Assemblyman and current candidate Stephen Silberkraus spent Tuesday evening removing campaign signs that caught his five-year-old son's attention for all the wrong reasons.

"My wife and son had driven by," Silberkraus said. "And he was the one who noticed and asked why does Daddy look strange?"

It wasn't just the mustache or the lewd drawing we have blurred out that disturbed him – it was the poorly drawn swastika.

"To go so far as to put forward hate speech, anti-Semitic symbols that are atrocious," he said. "Especially when you've got signs a block or two from a school. And actually, just a block past the school is one of the largest synagogues in the neighborhood."

Jolie Brislin is the Nevada Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League. She said nationally anti-Semitic incidents have increased 60 percent in the last year and Nevada isn't immune.

"So, I think we should all be concerned," said Brislin. "I think that hate symbols of any kind, anti-Semitic symbols they should be condemned. They affect everyone, and all should condemn them."

Silberkraus is of Jewish descent, and the signs were close to Jewish places of worship, Brislin points out.

 "We often see that sometimes this vandalism is done by kids. By youth. And so hopefully we can educate them. And teach them. And make better decisions."