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Florida school shooting survivors grill lawmakers during emotional town hall meeting

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With emotions still raw, just a week after the massacre that claimed 17 lives, the survivors of the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, confronted lawmakers about gun control. The heated exchanges took place during an emotional town hall meeting televised on CNN. 

Republican lawmaker, Senator Marco Rubio, at times found himself being booed by the audience as he attempted to answer questions posed to him by parents and students. 

Ryan Deitsch survived the shooting and asked why students are the ones spearheading the talk about reforming gun laws. 

"Why do we have to be the ones to do this? Why do we have to speak out at the capitol? Why do we have to march on Washington, just to save innocent lives?"

Cameron Kasky, another student, quizzed Senator Rubio about taking campaign donations from the National Rifle Association. 

"Can you tell me that you won't accept a single donation from the NRA?" 

"The answer to the question is that people buy into my agenda," Rubio responded. "And I do support the Second Amendment." 

NRA spokesperson, Dana Loesch, said the system is flawed and that states should report people who shouldn't have guns to a national background check system. 

"I don't believe that this insane monster should ever have been able to obtain a firearm," said Loesch.

Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, was also in attendance. Directing his comments at Loesch, he said the NRA can't say it stands for people until it says it wants less weapons.