The police fatality public fact-finding review will look into the circumstances surrounding the death of Matthew Gibbon last year.
It will be held at 9 a.m. on March 10 in the Clark County Government Center Commission Chambers at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway in downtown Las Vegas.
Gibbon died during a confrontation with Nevada Highway Patrol in August.
The review will be presided over by Hearing Officer Carlos Blumberg. Josh Tomsheck will serve as ombudsman for the review, and Chief Deputy District Attorney Michael Schwartzer will represent the District Attorney’s Office in this proceeding.
A fact-finding review is held when a police-involved death occurs and the District Attorney’s Office preliminarily determines that no criminal prosecution of the officer or officers involved is appropriate.
The review will be aired live on Clark County Television (CCTV) and streamed over the county website at