Local News


High schoolers react to sex education meeting


After hours of public input, the Clark County School Board voted Tuesday night not to ask state legislators to change the state law regarding sex education, but to instead, keep the status quo for now.  

The school board was considering changes to their sex education program, including possibly changing the existing opt-in policy to opt-out, making sexual education mandatory for all students, unless their parents sign otherwise.  

But some Clark County high schoolers don't want to see the system change at all.  Anthony and Cooper are juniors in high school, and they say they don't want to see the district change to opt-out.  They say the system as it is now, is working for them, and they want as much involvement from their parents as possible.  

"I believe my parents should have a right to dictate what I learn," says Cooper LeMone.  

But Trustee Patrice Tew says parental involvement, or lack thereof, was their biggest motivation to change to opt-out.  

"There is concern about children whose parents don't ever sign that permission slip and they don't receive sex education," Tew said.  

Tew says even though changes didn't come Tuesday night, they could still come in the future.