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Drivers find speed bumps made out of rocks on Radwick Drive

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Some people living on the far east side say the speeding has gotten so bad, matters are being taken into people’s own hands.

Rich Caraba says people don’t just speed, but they race!

“They go as quick as possible, speeding, as fast as they can floor it!”

A woman on Facebook posted a picture of big rocks going all the way across Radwick Drive.

Neighbors tell 13 Action News, there wasn’t just one spot with the rocks, but two spots.

The woman on Facebook believes whoever did this, was trying to build a make-shift speed bump.

“That’s a crime in itself,” said Caraba.

Neighbors fear the rocks could do some major damage to vehicles.

They aren’t positive the intent was to cause harm but they never want to see it happen again.

Neighbors also tell 13 Action News, they’ve tried to get speed bumps put in a couple years back but the county denied their request because there’s a school on the street and it would be a hazard for emergency vehicles.