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Draft bringing business to off-Strip areas

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Businesses around the Las Vegas Strip anticipated a big customer rush ahead of the 2022 NFL Draft, and many, like Tommy Rockers, weren't disappointed.

As a mariachi band performed from the stage and Raiderettes roamed around customers, NFL fans soaked in the Draft experience.

"It's so great for the city," Brett Revell said. "It's just such a great vibe. It's rare. You know, Vegas, you bring a whole lot of people in all the time, but every team is represented."

General Manager Kyle Collins said that the diversity of the fan base has paid off for his bar because they've split the location between focus on Dolphins and Raiders fans.

"A lot of walks of life have come to the city which I'm sure everyone else in the city is experiencing just like we have," he said.

Collins said he's been looking forward to other big planned events like Formula 1 and the Super Bowl to keep the momentum going.

"These big events that we've had before, these other events that are coming our way, are showing people that Las Vegas is ready," he said. "Las Vegas is back from the pandemic, and I think we're doing better than before the pandemic."