Another suspected impaired driver is temporarily off the streets thanks to Nevada Highway Patrol.
NHP posted about the arrest to its Twitter account early Wednesday morning.
According to the tweet, the driver was driving 120 miles per hour and had drugs and a large amount of cash in the speeding vehicle. The driver is also facing battery charges.
#whileyouweresleeping The #DUIStrikeTeam removed another impaired driver who was driving 120mph! Charges include PCS with intent to sell, DUI drugs, reckless driving & battery on a police officer. @LVMPD_Traffic @lvmpd @DriveSafeNV #nhpsocomm
— NHP Southern Command (@NHPSouthernComm) May 13, 2020
NHP says it has stopped quite a few speeders and impaired drivers lately.
— NHP Southern Command (@NHPSouthernComm) May 6, 2020
This motorist thought his time was more important than you’re safety. Luckily our Motors Troopers spotted him and educated him on the dangers of speeding on our freeways. This was at 215SB at Russell. Slow down folks, our last 4 fatal crashes were all speed related. #nhpsocomm
— NHP Southern Command (@NHPSouthernComm) May 5, 2020